Coming soon on iOS

Coming soon on iOS

Tired of searching for clothes?

More than 50.000+ products are waiting for your swipe. Get recommendations for your taste.
No ads. Free. Forever.

App running on iPhone
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Your style

Say Goodbye to Endless Scrolling.

Swipe right if you like it, swipe left if you don't.
Discover new brands and designers that fit your style.
You can always find your liked or bookmarked products in your profile.

App running on iPhoneApp running on iPhone

Your Ultimate Fashion Playground.

Discover, save, and shop for clothing like never before. Our app offers a seamless experience with personalized recommendations and smart search features.

Build Your Dream Closet

Bookmarked products are saved separately and don't influence your recommendations, making them ideal for keeping track of your wardrobe or gift ideas.

Personalized Feed

Get a customized feed of clothing items based on your likes and interests, along with personalized recommendations from our algorithm.

Smart Search

Easily find exactly what you're looking for with powerful search functionality. Or, filter by categories and search trough all our partner's products


Frequently asked questions

Which brands and designers are featured on the app?
How are my feed recommendations generated?
Can I purchase items directly through the app?
What's the difference between 'Liked' and 'Bookmarked' products?
How can I get help if I have questions or issues with the app?
How can brands and designers partner with CLOset?

What our users say

Get a glimpse of what a few early testers have to say about our app. Their feedback offers a first look at the innovative features coming your way.

I love how easy it is to discover new fashion brands and trends with this app. The swipe feature makes finding my next outfit so much fun!
This app has completely transformed the way I shop. The personalized recommendations are spot on!
Managing my wardrobe and finding new clothes has never been easier. This virtual closet is a game-changer!
I love how easy it is to discover new fashion brands and trends with this app. The swipe feature makes finding my next outfit so much fun!
This app has completely transformed the way I shop. The personalized recommendations are spot on!
Managing my wardrobe and finding new clothes has never been easier. This virtual closet is a game-changer!

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Stay updated with the latest news! Sign up to receive updates on new partner brands, app enhancements, and exclusive reminders for our release date.

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